introduction to
In lieu of an introduction
People often ask me, “How do you come up with a Shmuz? Do you just think of a topic and then find a Chazal that fits it? What about all that all that science stuff and facts that support it? They seem to fit too well.” The closest answer I can come up with is to paraphrase something quoted in the name of the Dubno Maggid. The Maggid was asked how he came up with such great Mosholim — each one seems to be so on target. He said, “Let me give you a Moshol. There was once a young fellow holding a bow and arrow, shooting at the side of a barn. A man passed by and noticed that every arrow was right on target, dead center in the middle of the bulls eye. “With reverence, he went over to the young fellow and asked, ‘How did you ever shoot so many perfect shots?’ |